Connecting Information and Records Management Professionals across Canada
Information is one of your organization’s biggest assets.
Learning and sharing ideas is the way of the future!
The records and information management community has been through two years of covid and working from home has made remote work a part of many hybrid work environments.
This has made in-person collaboration with our colleagues and the conducting of typical ARMA Chapter business substantially more difficult.
With this in mind, the ARMA Chapters of Canada are participating in a community program providing important records and information management topics relevant to Canadian business operations to personnel responsible for managing corporate information.
The Canadian Chapters and WesternIM working together have undertaken to build a source of Canadian content for both members and associates.
The plan is to have monthly virtual sessions from September 2022 to June 2023. Each session will be recorded and available for viewing in case you miss it.
The purpose of the IMCanadaConnect program is to educate and provide an opportunity for everyone to share their knowledge.
Expect a separate email several weeks in advance of each hosted session. There will be a web site to check into both past and future sessions available shortly.
The first session on Wednesday, September 28 at 12:00 CST
(1100 BC/YK 1200 AB 1200 SK/NWT 1300 MB 1400 ON 1500 NS 1530 NL)
on Understanding the Value and Attitudes of Users,
presented by Doyle Lahey of the Nova Scotia Chapter.
Can’t wait for the official session email?
We do hope you can make our first session, but you can always contact your local Chapter or email for more information about the IMCanadaContent program.
CanadaConnect is brought to you by ARMA Chapters of Canada.
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