Bridging Privacy, Information Governance and Records Management

Join us at our popular, one-day conference which features relevant privacy, information governance and records management topics.


8:45 – 9:00 Registration

9:00 – 9:10 Introduction – Bruce Norman Smith

9:10 – 10:10 How to Handle FOI Requests from Law Enforcement Agencies; Video Surveillance; Privacy Impact Assessments – Bradley Weldon

10:10 – 10:30 Coffee & Refreshments (provided)

10:30 – 11:30 Critical Collaboration/Records Management, Privacy and Information Security – Lara Wilson and Dave Young

11:30 – 12:15 Breakout Session – Ken Oldenburger

12:15 – 1:15 Lunch (provided)

1:15 – 2:45 Earthquakes and Information – Is your Organization Ready? – David Miller

2:45 – 3:00 Coffee & Refreshments (provided)

3:00 – 4:00 Integrating the Principles: Access and Privacy and IM – Julie Luckevich

4:00 Closing – Jon Weston


How to Handle Requests from Law Enforcement Agencies; Video Surveillance; Privacy Impact Assessments are topics that will be covered by Bradley Weldon from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia. His session will also include a question and answer period, giving attendees a chance to ask questions about related privacy topics.

Critical Collaboration/Records Management, Privacy and Information Security- This session presented by Lara Wilson and Dave Young will focus on the role of records management in the University of Victoria’s operational response to the January 2012 privacy breach.

Breakout Session – Ken Oldenburger will facilitate attendee work groups and conversations on the topics suggested by ARMA VI members for this event. Topics include: records management solutions for smaller municipalities who cannot afford records management software, how to manage electronic records and email, a look at financial records and where the retention periods come from, and getting a records retention schedule in place and keeping it up to date.

Earthquakes and Information – Is your organization ready? – It shouldn’t be news to anyone that a major earthquake is in Vancouver Island’s future. What would happen to your organization’s ability to protect and retrieve critical information when the big one hits? David Miller of CUBE Global Storage will discuss how to approach business continuity and disaster recovery planning, show you how to discover your organization’s vulnerabilities, and explore possible ways to minimize your risks and get your business processes up and running as soon as possible after an earthquake or other disaster.

Integrating the Principles: Access and Privacy and IM – Julie Luckevich will discuss how records and information management and access and privacy programs are beginning to overlap more and more, so why do two separate gap analyses just because there are two sets of principles? This session will explore the core concepts in both subject areas at a high level, and, using a practical methodology, show how to combine them, using either ARMA’s Principles or the CICA’s Generally Accepted Privacy Principles as the source model. Once the gap analysis is done, sample findings can be compiled and condensed into actionable workplans for senior management using either model as the primary source.

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