ARMA Vancouver Island is pleased to announced Christa Williams as a featured keynote speaker at this October’s Whining About Records conference.Christa Williams is a member of the Nlaka’pamux Nation and has extensive experience in working for First Nations in BC. She is currently working for the First Nations Leaders developing a BC-wide First Nations Public Service Capacity Building Strategy to support people working in First Nations communities.
Christa is widely regarded as an expert in Aboriginal and First Nations education issues and administration. She has strong skills sets in community development, consultation management, strategic planning and project management.
Christa was the Executive Director of the First Nations Education Steering Committee since for 14.5 years. Christa’s long-standing commitment to improving First Nations education has led to significant achievements provincially and nationally. The First Nations Education Steering Committee is a non-profit, independent organization directed by a large board of First Nations community representatives. Under Christa’s leadership, FNESC has grown to be an influential body supporting the development of high quality of education for Aboriginal students from kindergarten through post-secondary and adult education.
Christa holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours from Queen’s University and sits on various boards including the Board of Governors of Royal Roads University. In 2006 Christa was recognized by the Province of British Columbia and the First Nations Leadership Council for her contribution to BC Society in the area of Education.
ARMA Vancouver Island is pleased to announced Dr Mark Langemo as the opening keynote speaker at this October’s Whining About Records conference. Dr Langemo is a prolific writer who has published over 60 magazine and journal articles. He is the author of the CD-ROM video training series Establishing and Managing Successful Records Management Programs published in 2003 and the book Winning Strategies for Successful Records Management Programs published in 2002 by Information Requirements Clearinghouse, Inc. (www.irch.com). Dr. Langemo has been the University of North Dakota’s ‘Teacher of the Year,’ and he has received a national award for ‘excellence in continuing education seminars.’ He is a Certified Records Manager (CRM) who was inducted into ARMA International’s ‘Company of Fellows’ in 1991’ARMA’s highest award to an individual. In 1993, Mark Langemo was given the prestigious Emmett Leahy Award by the Institute of Certified Records Managers. The Leahy Award is the highest award internationally in the profession of Records Management. Dr. Langemo is a veteran records management seminar leader, consultant, and a dynamic speaker who presents content-filled, current-to-the-moment, media-illustrated, dynamic, and entertaining seminars.
In the words of Bruce Schinkelwitz, MAS CRM, one of the presenters at the conference: The Kelowna conference was one of the best I’ve attended. Great job to the whole conference team. Thanks, Bruce!