BC’s Information & Privacy Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham

Noted newsmaker Elizabeth Denham, BC’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, will speak about the latest news and developments in access to information and privacy affecting information managers, such as the challenges of cloud computing and open data, as well as some of the privacy concerns that affect us all in this era of highly mobile data and information. There will be a question and answer period following the presentation.

Denham’s office recently attracted attention with her criticism of the ‘oral government’ record-keeping practices at the Premier’s Office. She has also been closely monitoring recent events involving the use of personal email accounts by civil servants, and has issued a news release announcing her office’s preliminary investigation (you can read the news release here). As well, the office has issued a guidance document, Use of Personal Email for Public Business, which is not available at this time.

Friday, April 26, 2013, 1:30 pm- 2:30 pm.

St. Ann’s Academy Auditorium, 835 Humboldt St., Victoria, BC

ARMA Members: $20.00
Non-members: $30.00

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