Series of talks from Records Management practitioners who have walked the talk and implemented complex systems ranging from EDRMS to new classification schemes.
Our current roster of speakers include:
David Young, Records Management Archivist, University of Victoria – Taming your Email Inbox
David Young is the Records Management Archivist at the University of Victoria, and first gave this talk as part of a series on records management. It covers practical tips for bringing a large volume of email under control, as well as strategies for structuring one’s inbox to ensure that the contents remain accessible and uncluttered on a daily basis. Tips make use of Outlook features, but can be easily adapted to other programs. The relevance of this talk tapped a vein in the university community, sparking a viral demand for repeated presentations. Highly recommended for anyone who manages email, or who wants to help others manage email.
Sharon Byrch, Manager, Information Services, Capital Regional District – CGSB 72.34-2017 and Digital Records
In March 2017, the Government of Canada published CGSB 72.34-2017, a National Standard that provides guidance on how organizations can strengthen the credibility of digital records as evidence. Sharon will contextualize this standard in her working experiences, and will touch on the intersecting issues of privacy, freedom of information, and organizational transitions.
Sharon Byrch is the Manager, Information Services for the Capital Regional District in Victoria, BC. Passionate about digitizing government, electronic records management and improving information access while protecting personal privacy, Sharon oversees the CRD’s privacy and records management programs and provides access to records under FOIPPA. Sharon is an active member of the LGMA FOIPPA/Records Management Committee which oversees the FOI Toolkit and Records Management manuals for BC local governments. She co-lead the LGMA workshops on Privacy Impact Assessments (2015) and Implementing Electronic Document and Records Management Systems (2016) and built an Excel-based file plan management tool the LGMA currently sells with its Records Management Manual (2017 to date). Sharon co-authored two ARMA publications: CAN/CGSB 72.34-2017 Electronic Records as Documentary Evidence (2018) and Website Records Management (2009) and is a former ARMA Vancouver Chapter Board member and co-webmistress (2008-2009).
Tania Aldred, Records Coordinator, District of North Saanich – EDRMS Implementation Adventures
In 2015, the District of North Saanich set out to purchase an electronic document and records management system (EDRMS). Four years later, in 2019, the system has been implemented across the entire organization. This session will discuss a case study about North Saanich’s journey to completion, providing guidance on embarking on an adventure of your own.
Tania Aldred is the Records Coordinator at the District of North Saanich with over 12 years of experience in information management. She holds a Master of Library Studies from McGill University, with a specialization in Archives. Her professional interests include the hybridization of information professions, genealogy, and the image of archivists and records managers in popular culture.
Elizabeth Hilton, Learning Specialist, Province of British Columbia – How to do a Presentation
This presentation will take you through the process of creating and delivering effective presentations. It includes tips for developing and structuring content, techniques for designing clear PowerPoint slides, and touches on measures that can be used to sidestep nervousness. It describes the mindset that leads to effective body language, as well as the fine art of eliciting participation from an audience. An essential presentation for those who communicate records management issues to audiences.
Elizabeth Hilton is a Learning Specialist at the Province of British Columbia’s Government Record Service, where she splits her time between delivering live presentations and designing online learning modules. Her knowledge is rooted in 10 years of experience in the field of Learning and Development, a journey that began with a Human Resources Diploma, and has been refined by the Master Facilitator Program from The American Society for Training and Development. She loves the challenge of appealing to all learning preferences and lives for the moment when a learner’s face lights up.
Laurie Phillips, Business Development Manager, FileIt Solutions – A Grassroots approach to Records Management
[Description and Bio coming soon].
Date & Time:Friday, 29th March, 2019, 8:30am to 4:30pm Location:1175 Sunrise Ridge Waterfront Resort | Resort Drive Parksville, BC V9P 2E3
Click here for further details and registration
The 2019 North Island Records Management Conference is made possible due to a generous donation from our sponsor: Gravity Union!