You have been tasked with making Information Management work for your corporation, and no matter who you are or how large your organization, it seems that there is always something new to learn. In fact, it seems like the learning never ends!
This presentation will cover a lot of records and information management ground, in a speed-dating kind of way. Whether it’s implementation of an electronic solution, a shared drive cleanup, a scanning/imaging project, governance, the cloud, or the ARMA Principles– there’s something for everyone!
About the speaker:
Rick Stirling, a founding member of ARMA Vancouver Island, is President and CEO of Western Information Management Inc. (WesternIM), a records and information management consulting firm with a North American presence. With over 40 years of IT experience, Stirling is well-rounded in communications, hardware, software, and system integration and specializes in the implementation of dozens of enterprise records and content management solutions. He has led numerous consulting engagements for needs assessment, gap analysis, policy, and business case development. Stirling has served on various committees and has held numerous executive positions in the Canadian and international levels of ARMA International, including a seat on the International Board of Directors and as President of the Canadian Region. He is a frequent speaker in the United States and Canada. Stirling was one of the initial members of the ARMA GARP’ task force, and is a member of the IGP (Information Governance Professional) Development Group and Governance Board.
Date & Time: Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm
Where: Ambrosia Centre, 638 Fisgard St, Victoria, BC
Cost: ARMA Members: $40.00 ; Non-Members: $50.00