Ancestry Continuing Education Award Program

In 2015, the ACA entered into a five-year sponsorship agreement with Ancestry. Part of this agreement includes an annual scholarship that is developed and overseen by the ACA Foundation. The Foundation Board of Directors was unanimous in its decision to direct this scholarship towards the Indigenous community in Canada and to award it to a recipient studying in the field of archives or records management. The ACA Board and the broader Canadian archival community recognize the significance of the report that resulted from the work carried out by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. This report includes 94 recommendations or calls to action in order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation. Bringing greater diversity to the Canadian archival system by increasing the number of Indigenous archivists is one way in which the process of reconciliation could be advanced. This is an annual award of $1,200 and applicants may be pursuing training at any level that advances the applicant’s knowledge in archives or records management. Training could be through a university degree program, a college program, or any a single training session such as a workshop or institute. Applicants are assessed by a committee appointed by the Association of Canadian Archivists Foundation on the basis of a written application. Scholarship holders will also be provided membership in the Association of Canadian Archivists and will have an opportunity to arrange for a mentor to guide them in developing their career, if desired.

Deadline for Applications December 21, 2018. Click here for further information and instructions for how to apply can be found on the ACA’s website:

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